Curriculum Vitae (2021)

Curriculum Vitae

born: Arnhem [NL] 02.08.42, Nationality: Dutch

Gymnasium A (Arnhem)
Candidate study in Law, Doctors in Dutch Language /Literature/ Communication, [University of Groningen]
Business Administration / Communication / Management [Inst. of Social Sciences (ISW), Leiden)

Work experience
Teacher Dutch language / Business communications / Management  .................................................................................. 1974 tot 1987 
Lecturer Management, ISW (Inst. Social Sciences) Leiden   (part-time)                                                                               1978 to 1991
Member Management-team ISW, and author Management studies     (part-time)                                                                 1989 to 1991
Trainer for the Retail-sector (Inst. Bergmans, Oosterhout)    (part-time)                                                                               1983 to 1987
Teacher Management for SME's [Catharijne College Utrecht] initiator/author of Study Business-Communic. & PR          1984 to 1987
Director Regional Educational Centre East-Groningen (RECOG)  (staff: 11)                                                                      1987 to 1991
Director Regional Inst. Vocational Adult Education: Tourism, Techn. and Industrial Progr., etc.
Member of the Board of Foundation Stimulating ICT in N.-Netherlands (STIN)                                                                  1987 to 1991
Author of study programmes for Public Relations (NGPR) and for Marketing Training (NIMA)                                                     1989
Regional co-ordinator European Social Fund (annual budget 30 MECU = 30 million EURO)                                             1988 to 1991
Co-ordinator vocational training in EU - network LEDA (Local Employment Development Action)                                   1988 to 1992
Interim Director State Polytechnic Groningen with depts. Post-Graduate studies in management and healtcare,
and specialsms in the fields of sexual harressment and of elderly       (staff: 41)                                                                     1991 to 1992
Director of IPB Ltd. in Brussels (International project development, - evaluation and monitoring)                                       1992 to 2003
President/Secr. General of SOCIETAS e.e.i.g. , Brussels (European Group for Research and applied Social Sciences,       1995 to 2000
President/Secr. General of EUR-BIT e.e.i.g. , Brussels (European Group of 120 universities, polytechnics and institutes
for higher vocational training in Information & Communication Technology mission: 
forwarding employment and and regional economic development ........................................................................................1995 to 2002
Evaluator for DG 16 European Commission & Expert for DG 3 and 13 for the IST-Programme                                         1998 to 2002
Expert evaluator for the EU-LEONARDO-Programme (Education and Vocational Training)                                             2001 to 2002
Moderator Goal Oriented Project Planning & Project Cycle management (member of the international Moderators Association)               ..........................................................................................................................................................    1998 to 2002
Lecturer University of Groningen, (Study International Relations)                                                                                        2002
Member of Municipality Council Bellingwedde                                                                                                                     2006 to 2010

Other activities:
Member and chairman of Provincial Commission of Heemschut ( (Assoc. Cultural Heritage), coordinator of Bomenstichting (
(Foundation for protecting trees) for the provinces Groningen & Drenthe, Initiator and President of the Foundation Seignoreage Westerwolde,
member of and webmaster for the Association of hosptality in Dutch castles & properties until 2008, ( )
of castles in Groningen ( )
and from 1972 until mid 2010 restauration, exploitation and management of own private property De Boschplaatse.( plus lectures on history of garden architecture.
Unfinished website:

President Foundation Social Workplace Saba, 2012 to 2013 (resigned as president Febr. 2013 )                                        

Since end 2011 - after having made inventories and research about history and backgrounds - a number of exhibitions of private antiquities in a cottage on Saba

Inventories of Cultural Heritage on Saba since beginning 2011 etc.etc. and

Initiator in 2012 of the SABAGRO-project with support from Wageningen University in order to re-animate agriculture on Saba and to start a new agricultural cooperation
(documents can be found at:

In this traditional cottage René Caderius van Veen started in 2014 a museum which became a Foundation Dutch Museum Saba, not just for exhibiting antiques from the period 1600-1850
but also collecting data about the shered history between Saba and the Netherlands in the period 1640 - 1800 and presenting ppt-presentations and videos about that period,
partly dominated by the West India Company (WIC). Link: Due to a variety of circumstances this museum had to stop.

Period 1976 – 1992
Secretary of the Provincial Cultural Council of Groningen, Secr. of the Prov. Commission for Monuments, Consultant and Secr. for the
Prov. Federation of Museums, Chairman of the Prov. Commission of Heemschut, Secr. of the prov. department of the political party D66 and prov. co-ordinator of working groups)

Before 1976
Praeses of  assoc. of gymasium students AGB, also active in theater and cabaret at the gymnasium. As student after 1965 President of Student assoc. for Ballet, Cabaret & Pantomime, member of the Board of a “pocket-theatre, Secr. Horse-riding Association,
Representant of the Environmental Federation in a land-restructuring programme, etc.

Address from December 1972 until June 2010:
Manor “De Boschplaatse”, Oosteinde 46-48, Blijham. Unfortunately the property was registered on the name of my ex-wife - (Jkvr) L.E. de Savornin Lohman - in 1972
when there was a period that I inteded to be entrepreneur and wanted to reduce financial risks.
In a divorce after having been together 43 years this situation was abused until the higher court in Leeuwarden confirmed the opinion of two other judges.

Living on Saba since 01.01.2011
Address since 2022 Airport Road 104, Zion's Hill
SABA (Caribisch Nederland)
phone: +599-41622118  cell phone: +599- 4166030
skype: renecaderius




























Some other websites and pages will follow later








